Monday, December 4, 2006


I have sensed a burden from the Lord to start this for a while now. As I cruise through cyberspace, there are many people out there "blogging" about lots of different things. I really enjoy reading things that challenge me to think and wrestle with tough questions. An occasional laugh is always good too!

As I thought about getting ready to head overseas for an indefinite period of time, I realized this might be a good way to keep in touch with friends & family back in the good ol' U.S. of A.

I would love for this to be a place for people to come to in order to be challenged to think deeply about God, His Word and how we as His ambassadors can be more effective at reaching the world.

I hope this is a place where you can laugh or cry, agree or disagree, and tell me I'm a genius or tell me I'm a fool!...But you better say a fool for Christ :)

Lastly, I realize how time on the internet can be both a blessing and a curse. I will prayerfully consider how much time to spend writing and responding to comments/questions. If I feel it is fruitful and glorifying to God I will continue as planned. If it becomes distracting and overwhelming I may back off for a while. I ask that you as a reader do the same thing...not that I expect any of you will be spending large chunks of time on my blog, but as a general rule while you're "surfing" the mighty waves of the "net"...whatever that means :)

My first post will be coming soon!

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